OH my! i can't believe it's been since OCTOBER since i've last updated or posted.... thank you to my sweet husband for making an appearance. i like when he has a break from school and has a little extra time on his hands.
so there isn't really any way to recap what we have been doing- but i will say in general each day has consisted of going to work/school, trying to make our way to the gym, trying to keep a clean house and keep the pile of dirty clothes to a minimum... when saturday rolls around jon studies for a good portion of it while i hit up yoga, go grocery shopping, catch up on a show or two on hulu, prepare our lesson for sunday (we teach 12 little 7 year olds, and love it!). saturday also involves cleaning, laundry, and cooking.... all just in time for sundays- the only day we got to stay in bed until 10am and slowly (so slowly) get ready for 1pm church- but since new year has changed to 9am church (AH what are we gonna do?! that means no days to sleep in this year!!). after church we spend the evenings usually talking about our upcoming week, writing lara jane, and talking with other family. and that's it... crazy to write it down to find it really doesn't sound like that much, but some how each day 10pm hits and I'm amazed that the day is over! how is that possible- i still have 17 other things on my to do list that need to get done!! and so that is why the blogging never gets done, because the everyday stuff takes ups all the minutes i have to use each day.
anyways, i'm rambling- the purpose of this is to say we are still here, and kickin'. jon has successfully finished his first semester of business school. crazy to think that we only have 3 more semesters left of this craziness and then it's time for jon to get a job- where you ask? who knows? the possibilities are endless. we could see our selves anywhere- so where ever the road leads, i guess. i am still super loving my job so thats another bonus about where we are right now.
we've now celebrated our second american thanksgiving, christmas and new years together as a married couple. we've made our second set of resolutions and hope this next year brings us as much joy and growth as the last... and i feel like we are off to a pretty good start.
so far in 2013 we have already made one trip out to canada- jon's little brother {hehe, sam is still older than i am and bigger than jon, which actually isn't a hard thing to be, i'm practically bigger than he is too!} got married to the love of his life in the calgary, alberta temple and we were so pleased to be able to share in their day!
we have also made a trip up to tc/petoskey area because my brother turned thirty... and its safe to say that we will be making many more trips up there {as soon as the snow stops falling}.
we had a lovely date night at the detroit auto show. let's just say i'm ready for some new wheels.... but i'll keep dreaming, because we still have three semesters of school + the bar exam standing in the way.
we've also discovered a new favorite restaurant in lansing {there aren't many options in lansing but this place is the bomb.com, yup you heard the BOMB DOT COM} Everything is super fresh, made with local ingredients and lots of love. they even make their own homemade noodles.
fork in the road, i love you!
somethings we have to look forward to for the next 11 months of 2013: our second valentines day married, LARA JANE comes home.... no words for that one! jon will hopefully have another super awesome internship, trip out to san fran to see jon's sis graduate from dental school, jon turns THIRTY, our two year anniversary, and a whole slew of holidays we get to celebrate for the third time!
hopefully i can get back to blogging more regularly... no promises though.
thanksgiving with some friends |
las vegas for a night on our way out to calgary |
las vegas |
las vegas |
lethbridge... me and smarty dont mix with snow! |
hehe- tumble weed, blowing in the wind |
yay! |
happy birthday miles |
how i spend a moment to myself... and not blogging |
christmas treat |
dad and lady |
merry christmas to jon and i, from seth and chels |
happy new year |
hobbies |
date night- ice skating |
**the order of the photos is a little crazy... and i don't have enough patience to organize them.
So glad you are back!!!